Long case :pleural effusion associated with liver abscess
A 51 year old patient who is a resident of chitayala ,who works is a labourer in a goods company came to the hospital with chief complaints of: Fever since 10 days Shortness of breath since 10days Cough since 7 days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS : The patient was apparently a symptomatic 10days back then he developed high grade fever which was insidious in onset associated with chills and rigours and was relieved on taking medications . The patient was able to walk a kilometer 10 days back and later slowly was facing shortness of breath even after walking for short distances and which became so severe that even at rest he was feeling shortness of breath .Not associated with wheeze ,no Orthopnea,no paraxsomal nocturnal dyspnea ,no pedal Edema. Cough since 7 days which is productive mucoid in consistency, whitish,scanty in amount ,non foul smelling, non blood stained .more during night time and on supine position.right sided chest pain diffuse , intermittent ,dragging...